Free download program Serial Number Bridgeport Mill ...
Vertical Machining Centers. Bridgeport Knee Mills. Rotary Tables and Indexers. The Bridgeport logo as cast into the head of a Bridgeport Knee Mill. Bridgeport is a brand of milling machines and machining centers. The first Bridgeport milling machine (serial number 1). The machine serial number is located on the knee casting.

Bridgeport Serial Numbers - Lathes
Bridgeport Accessories The Bridgeport Miller at Work Vertical Attachments by Halco and Kerney & Trecker (Dalrae) Bridgeport Table Power-feed Units Bridgeport Serial Numbers Bridgeport Horizontal Stub Miller Further Bridgeport Company History and "Building a Bridgeport" Bridgeport Series 1 CNC Miller (based on the standard machine)

Serial numbers and dating Bridgeports? - The Home Shop ...
No Mike, they did and here is my Mill to show it. It is a 1943 (sn # 3923) Bridgeport that originally had a round overarm Turret and M head . It has the short table and the 9 inch knee and was found in storage from the war by me ($600 ) in 1976 In 1978, my employer scrapped out a 1961 Bridgeport when a machinist broke the table.

Bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills
Bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills. May 02 2008 · BRIDGEPORT J HEAD SERIAL NUMBERS BRIDGEPORT J HEAD SERIAL NUMBERS 1956 BR26963 Thru BR31619 Start of V ram 1957 BR31619 Thru BR37278 Sometimes maybe more often than one might think the head serial number and base serial number may be from different years In any case I dont think …

Bridgeport Serial Numbers - Lathes
On machines made in the UK by Adcock & Shipley the number should be on a plate inside the column door - the last 4 digits being the date of manufacture. To find the Serial Number on US machines, wind the table inwards as far as possible; the sliding guards should then have moved sufficiently to expose the stampings.

Milling Machine, Bridgeport, 1-1/2 HP, Variable Speed ...
Description. Bridgeport 1-1/2 HP Vertical Milling Machine, 9″ x 42″ Table, R-8 Spindle, 3 Phase 230/460 Volts, Serial Number124631 (1969) The mill is in good working condition, the ways are excellent but the table has been abused.

Serial numbers and dating Bridgeports? - The Home Shop ...
When Bridgeport started building "Turret" mills in 1937 ( or so ) they only had M heads and the heads had the same serial number as the base. however, they also came out after 1943 *( when? I think after the war !) with shaper heads, die sinking heads and high speed heads ( then the J heads) which took a number out of sync with the base number ...

bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills
Bridgeport Vertical Mills For Sale, New & Used. We are pleased to offer for your consideration: (1) 9" x 48" Bridgeport Knee Type Vertical Mill Stock Number: 13557 List Price: $9,950 Manufacturer: Bridgeport Model Number: Series I Serial Num. Table width: 9" Table length: 48". More.

Bridgeport Serial Number Page - Rotordesign
Bridgeport Serial Number Page: BRIDGEPORT MILLING MACHINE "J" HEAD SERIAL NUMBERS. The serial number is on the knee of the machine. It can be obscured by the chip shield. Date Start S/N End S/N: 1938: BH-1: THRU: BH-39 Round ram: 1939: BH-40: THRU

Bridgeport 9 X 32 Vintage Milling Machine - VCharty Mill
11 x 58 bridgeport series ii vertical mill, acurite dro, power feeds. 9,950. . we are pleased to offer for your consideration 1 11 x 58 bridgeport knee type vertical mill stock number 13658 list price 9,950 manufacturer bridgeport model number series ii serial number 745. table width 11 .

Milling Machine Serial Numbers
Milling Machine Serial Numbers. 11 x 58 bridgeport series ii vertical mill acurite dro power feeds 9950 we are pleased to offer for your consideration 1 11 x 58 bridgeport knee type vertical mill stock number 13658 list price 9950 manufacturer bridgeport model number series ii serial number 745 table width 11.

Bridgeport Series I Vertical Mill in Alto, MI, USA
Bridgeport Series I Vertical Mill in Alto, MI, USA ... Stock number: 15600. Hp: 2 HP. Type of mill: Variable Speed. Table size: 9" x 48" Category: Milling Machines in USA. Subcategory: Mills-vertical-bridgeport type. Listing ID: 65056761. Description. Asset # 15600 Serial # BR 250 374. Seller Reviews.

Bridgeport Serial Numbers Of Vertical Mills
Bridgeport Serial Numbers Of Vertical Mills. Pre-owned BRIDGEPORT VMC 22 1996 Vertical Machining Center for only 8900.This Vertical Machining Center has average cutting time and is equipped with a Bridgeport Control control.

Bridgeport Vertical Milling Machine - VCharty Mill
11 x 58 bridgeport series ii vertical mill, acurite dro, power feeds. 9,950. . we are pleased to offer for your consideration 1 11 x 58 bridgeport knee type vertical mill stock number 13658 list price 9,950 manufacturer bridgeport model number series ii serial number 745. table width 11 .

Parts for Bridgeport Series I - H & W Machine Repair
Parts for Bridgeport Series I. Thank you for choosing H&W to be your supplier of parts for your Bridgeport Milling Machine. Whether it be for the base, head or motor, we carry a large inventory of parts for your mill. If you cannot find the part you are looking for give us a call at 800-285-5271 and one of our helpful staff personnel will help ...

Location of J Head Bridgeport Serial Numbers
The serial number on the head - on the data plate and casting - is J-148488. I'm assuming I'll need this information when I order parts. The s/n is stamped in the top of the knee under the chip shield in large letters. Move the table all the way to the rear, then move the chip shield to the rear to reveal the number.

Bridgeport Mill Serial Number Identification
The first Bridgeport milling machine (serial number 1) is on display at the Museum. Bridgeport's manual milling machines have been so successful and ubiquitous that, within the industries and among hobbyists, the Bridgeport is an archetypal example of that class of machine, and the term 'Bridgeport' is often used to refer to any vertical ...

Bridgeport Serial Numbers Of Vertical Mills
Bridgeport Serial Numbers Of Vertical Mills. FOB Reference Price:Get Latest Price Bridgeport Vertical Mill Series I . For more than 60 years the Bridgeport Series I Standard Mill the original allpurpose mill has been the real thing in milling drilling and boring for metalworking shops throughout the world.

BRIDGEPORT VERTICAL MILL: STOCK #74584. Make an Offer. X Make an Offer ... Category Mill- Horizontal & Vertical - Mills- All Types Machine Details: No Photos Are Available At This Time. NOTE: Specifications, serial numbers, and prices are believed to be correct and should be used as a guide only. Quotes are typed when machine is purchased often ...

Bridgeport serial # question - The Home Machinist!
I'm looking at a Bridgeport mill. The serial number is BH-30594. All the charts I've seen show the BH numbers are 1-26962. The BR series start at 26963. It is a round ram so it tracks with the V-ram starting at 31618. I'm thinking it's a 1956 model. Any ideas why this serial number is outside the BH range?

Bridgeport mill s/n - The Home Machinist!
Is there a list of Bridgeport vertical mill serial numbers vs. year built available online?-Karl. K&F Engineering Ridgecrest, CA. Top. mendoje1 Posts: 180 Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2003 8:12 am Location: Southern California. Re: Bridgeport mill s/n. Post by mendoje1 » Thu May 15, 2003 2:24 am

Bridgeport #J-Head, vertical mill, 9" x42" table, 1 HP, 3 ...
Bridgeport J Head Vertical Mill, With: 3 Axis DRO Serial Number: 100084 New in 1967 Belt Change Variable Speed Table: 9 X 42 Longitudinal Travel: 24 Cross Travel: 12 Power Quill Travel: 5 Manual Knee Travel: 16 Quill Diameter: 3.375 Spindle Taper: R-8 Spindle Speeds: 80 2,720 RPM Motor: 1 H.P. INCLUDES: 3 Axis DRO NEW X Axis Power Feed 6 Kurt ...

bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills
bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills 59 23-07-2018 The serial number is on the knee of the machine It can be obscured by the chip shield. Date Start S/N End S/N 1938 BH-1 THRU BH-39 Round ram 1939 BH-40 THRU BH-252 1940 BH-253 THRU BH-656 1941 BH-657 THRU BH-1549 1942 BH-560 THRU BH-2943 1943 BH-944 THRU BH-4105 1944 BH-4106 THRU …

Bridgeport Vertical Mills For Sale, New & Used ...
11" x 58" Bridgeport Series II Vertical Mill, Acu-Rite DRO, Power feeds. $9,950. . We are pleased to offer for your consideration: (1) 11" x 58" Bridgeport Knee Type Vertical Mill Stock Number: 13658 List Price: $9,950 Manufacturer: Bridgeport Model Number: Series II Serial Number: 745. Table width: 11".

bridgeport serial numbers of vertical mills
BRIDGEPORT VERTICAL MILL MODEL: Series I SERIAL NUMBER: 169901 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Table Size: 9" x 48" Longitudinal Travel: 36" Cross Travel: 12" Vertical Travel Of Knee: 16" Spindle Speeds, Infinitely Variable: 60 4200 RPM Spindle: R-8 Collet Capacity: 3/4" Quill Travel: 5" Spindle Power Feeds: (3) .0015", .003", .006" EQUIPPED …

Bridgeport Serial Numbers Of Vertical Mills
The first Bridgeport milling machine (serial number 1) is on display at the Museum. Bridgeport's manual milling machines have been so successful and ubiquitous that, within the industries and among hobbyists, the Bridgeport is an archetypal example of that class of machine, and the term 'Bridgeport' is often used to refer to any vertical ...

Bridgeport ID | The Hobby-Machinist
The numbers were started in 1938 with #1 and today are close to the 300,000 mark. The 50,000 mark was passed in the 1960's and the 200,000 mark in the 1970's. The 1980's and 1990's have brought the numbers close to the 300,000 mark. Along with the machine serial number each milling head is numbered. They are

Bridgeport Vertical Mill Quick Buyers Guide | Great Lakes ...
Bridgeport Vertical Mill Quick Buyers Guide. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 2 of 2 Posts. brimy311 · Premium Member. Joined Nov 5, 2005 · 4,095 Posts . Discussion Starter · #1 · Mar 17, 2006 (Edited) ... Serial numbers and Dates: On all Bridgeport machines there are stamped dates. This is located by the knew crank handle.

Bridgeport Series I
The Bridgeport Series I Standard Mill is the original milling, drilling and boring machine. The Bridgeport Series I Knee Mill is the most popular mill ever made with over 370,000 machines built over the past 70-plus years. Bridgeport Series I Built the Bridgeport Way The long-term reliability of a Series I mill is the result of

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